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Help, that works
The Polish Foundation for Africa helps, where others cannot or are not willing to do so.
We strive for our help to work long-term. We build and renovate farms, health centres, wells and schools. We change the lives of the residents there for years to come. However, we also help when the need arrives for quick and effective actions. This is true of Madagascar, where children are starving. In such cases immediate help is necessary.
We continuously are looking for interesting, constructive and needed projects in Africa, in which we could engage ourselves. We mostly focus on:
We thus invite organisations operating in Africa to collaborate with the Polish Foundation for Africa. Here you will find necessary documents to submit a motion. All complete forms mail to: or to the address of headquarters of the Foundation. We ask all the projects to be described, their importance explained, the location and beneficiaries stated, along with the number of people, who will use it after realisation of the project, its cost and the expectation of funding from us. We also ask you to spread the information about the possibility of funding by the Foundation of similar projects. If you know and people working in favour of Africa (voluntaries, missionaries, etc.), we would be grateful for passing the information onto them.
Between 2013 and 2022 the Foundation accomplished over 300 projects in 20 countries, focusing on funding the construction or renovation of schools, wells, construction or equipping of clinics, laboratories and hospitals. The Foundation is most eager to finance projects, which give the possibility of the local organisation, helping the community becoming self- ‑sufficient (food or financial-wise — eg. a mill in Helota in Togo or a farm for an orphanage in Mampikony in Madagascar). The Foundation also funds emergency projects (eg. feeding during famine in Burundia).
In 2018 the Foundation organised a medical mission to Antsirabe in Madagascar. 7 doctors performed over 400 paediatric consultations and over 60 surgeries. The Foundation also left medical equipment worth 17 thousand PLN in the hospital. In 2019 two more medical missions were sent to Madagascar, during which medical assistance was given to over 3 thousand people.
The founders of the Foundations is a married couple – Justyna and Wojciech Zięba.
The Polish Foundation for Africa came into existence in Cracow, Poland on May 1st, 2012.
In December 2013 it began the realisation of statutory objectives. The aim of the Foundation is the protection of health of inhabitants of Africa and improvement of their living standards.
So far, our biggest project is the construction of a 4‑storey Polish Hospital (100 beds) in Antsirabe in Madagascar. We are currently building a second hospital, in Mampikony. The first stage of construction, with an area of 1700 sq m, is now ready.
Kabula Nkalango Masanja — an activist for the rights of people suffering from albinism. It tells how, after a brutal attack, she left the role of a victim behind and began to change the world for the better.
You must listen to this amazing young woman! The Foundation funded home furnishings for children with albinism in Mwanza, Tanzania, where Kabula lives.
The construction of wells occupies a special place among the completed projects. The Foundation has so far implemented over 100 such investments, including both deep wells and dug wells, and in some cases also necessary infrastructure. A significant part of these wells was built in Madagascar.
VIP program – have your well! It is possible to fund an entire well in Madagascar. Above all, it is the satisfaction of having funded an entire project that changes the lives of hundreds of people. It has become a custom that the Donor chooses the name or patron of the well. After the well is built, the Sponsor receives photos documenting its opening or use. The cost of building one deep well is about 4500–5000 euro and the pump and external finishing about 1200 euro.
Angola, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Ethiopia, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Senegal, South Africa, Central African Republic, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Zambia.
Our organisation also acts in Poland, by conducting educational actions (exhibitions in schools, youth workshops, funding conferences for medical students). The sum of donations in recent years transferred by the Polish Foundation for Africa to helping Africa:
2023 – 2 272 665 EUROS
2022 – 2 331 024 EUROS
2021 – 1 794 921 EURO
2020 – 1 198 065 EUROS
2019 – 820 000 EUROS
2018 – 680 000 EUROS
Polska Fundacja dla Afryki
ul. Krowoderska 24/3
31–142 Kraków
KRS: 0000415325
REGON: 122539954
NIP: 6762454487
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